Daily Archives: September 21, 2018

1 post


This is a bugfix release for libssh which also adds some features. New is support for rsa-sha2 and dh-sha521 support. ssh_get_fingerprint_hash() and ssh_pki_export_privkey_base64() has been added to deal with fingerprints and keys. Also the sftp performance has been improved and the memory footprint reduced.

If you are new to libssh you should read our tutorial how to get started. Please join our mailing list or visit our irc channel if you have questions.

You can download libssh here.


  •  Added support for rsa-sha2
  • Added support to parse private keys in openssh container format (other than ed25519)
  • Added support for diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 and diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
  • Added ssh_get_fingerprint_hash()
  • Added ssh_pki_export_privkey_base64()
  • Added support for Match keyword in config file
  • Improved performance and reduced memory footprint for sftp
  • Fixed ecdsa publickey auth
  • Fixed reading a closed channel
  • Added support to announce posix-rename@openssh.com and hardlink@openssh.com in the sftp server