libssh is an open source project and there are several ways to contribute. We will show you some ways how to do that depending on your hardware access and knowledge.
As a user you can report bugs to our bugtracking system at Another way could be to package libssh for you distribution.
Application Developer:
As above you can report bugs. If you have an exotic platform and you’re not sure if libssh is supported on this platform you can take a look at our dashboard. If you can’t find your platform in the dashboard this doesn’t mean that libssh doesn’t work on it, it is just not actively supported.
If you want support for your platform there are two possibilities:
- You report bugs and create patches and check regluarly if it still works on your platform.
- You can provide a Nightly Build for libssh.
How does this work:
You need a machine with the following packages installed: cmake, cmockery, git, openssl, zlib
Grab the ctest instructions from:
Edit the file and change:
CTEST_DIRECTORY: The directory to use to do the git checkout and build
CTEST_SITE: Your hostname –fqdn
CTEST_BUILD_NAME: The build name e.g. Fedora_13-GCC_4.5-x86_64-default
CTEST_CMAKE_GENERATOR: The generator e.g. Unix Makefiles (see man ctest
CTEST_MODEL: Which should be Nightly
Then run ctest with: ctest -S path/to/cmake-default.cmake
You can start to be an active contributor to libssh. Register at the mailing list and take a look in our bugtracker what needs to be done or fixed